
Common operations on buffers.


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Monophonic subtractive synth Download
Polyphonic subtractive synth Download
Simple monophonic subtractive synth Download
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Module type: Utility


static inline void bw_buf_fill(
	float               k,
	float * BW_RESTRICT dest,
	size_t              n_elems);

Sets the first n_elems in dest to k.


static inline void bw_buf_copy(
	const float * src,
	float *       dest,
	size_t        n_elems);

Copies the first n_elems in src into the first n_elems of dest.


static inline void bw_buf_neg(
	const float * src,
	float *       dest,
	size_t        n_elems);

Inverts the sign of the first n_elems in src and stores the results in the first n_elems of dest.


static inline void bw_buf_add(
	const float * src,
	float         k,
	float *       dest,
	size_t        n_elems);

Adds k to the first n_elems in src and stores the results in the first n_elems of dest.


static inline void bw_buf_scale(
	const float * src,
	float         k,
	float *       dest,
	size_t        n_elems);

Multiplies the first n_elems in src by k and stores the results in the first n_elems of dest.


static inline void bw_buf_mix(
	const float * src1,
	const float * src2,
	float *       dest,
	size_t        n_elems);

Adds the first n_elems of src1 and src2 and stores the results in the first n_elems of dest.


static inline void bw_buf_mul(
	const float * src1,
	const float * src2,
	float *       dest,
	size_t        n_elems);

Multiplies the first n_elems of src1 and src2 and stores the results in the first n_elems of dest.


static inline void bw_buf_fill_multi(
	float                                   k,
	float * BW_RESTRICT const * BW_RESTRICT dest,
	size_t                                  n_channels,
	size_t                                  n_elems);

Sets the first n_elems in each of the n_channels buffers dest to k.


static inline void bw_buf_copy_multi(
	const float * const * src,
	float * const *       dest,
	size_t                n_channels,
	size_t                n_elems);

Copies the first n_elems in each of the n_channels buffers src into the first n_elems in each of the n_channels buffers dest.


static inline void bw_buf_neg_multi(
	const float * const * src,
	float * const *       dest,
	size_t                n_channels,
	size_t                n_elems);

Inverts the sign of the first n_elems in each of the n_channels buffers src and stores the results in the first n_elems in each of the n_channels buffers dest.


static inline void bw_buf_add_multi(
	const float * const * src,
	float                 k,
	float * const *       dest,
	size_t                n_channels,
	size_t                n_elems);

Adds k to the first n_elems in each of the n_channels buffers src and stores the results in the first n_elems in each of the n_channels buffers dest.


static inline void bw_buf_scale_multi(
	const float * const * src,
	float                 k,
	float * const *       dest,
	size_t                n_channels,
	size_t                n_elems);

Multiplies the first n_elems in each of the n_channels buffers src by k and stores the results in the first n_elems in each of the n_channels buffers dest.


static inline void bw_buf_mix_multi(
	const float * const * src1,
	const float * const * src2,
	float * const *       dest,
	size_t                n_channels,
	size_t                n_elems);

Adds the first n_elems in each of the n_channels buffers src1 and src2 and stores the results in the first n_elems in each of the n_channels buffers dest.


static inline void bw_buf_mul_multi(
	const float * const * src1,
	const float * const * src2,
	float * const *       dest,
	size_t                n_channels,
	size_t                n_elems);

Multiplies the first n_elems in each of the n_channels buffers src1 and src2 and stores the results in the first n_elems in each of the n_channels buffers dest.

C++ wrapper

template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void bufFill(
	float                                   k,
	float * BW_RESTRICT const * BW_RESTRICT dest,
	size_t                                  nSamples);

# ifndef BW_CXX_NO_ARRAY
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void bufFill(
	float                                       k,
	std::array<float * BW_RESTRICT, N_CHANNELS> dest,
	size_t                                      nSamples);
# endif
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void bufCopy(
	const float * const * src,
	float * const *       dest,
	size_t                nSamples);

# ifndef BW_CXX_NO_ARRAY
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void bufCopy(
	const std::array<const float *, N_CHANNELS> src,
	const std::array<float *, N_CHANNELS>       dest,
	size_t                                      nSamples);
# endif
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void bufNeg(
	const float * const * src,
	float * const *       dest,
	size_t                nSamples);

# ifndef BW_CXX_NO_ARRAY
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void bufNeg(
	const std::array<const float *, N_CHANNELS> src,
	const std::array<float *, N_CHANNELS>       dest,
	size_t                                      nSamples);
# endif
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void bufAdd(
	const float * const * src,
	float                 k,
	float * const *       dest,
	size_t                nSamples);

# ifndef BW_CXX_NO_ARRAY
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void bufAdd(
	const std::array<const float *, N_CHANNELS> src,
	float                                       k,
	const std::array<float *, N_CHANNELS>       dest,
	size_t                                      nSamples);
# endif
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void bufScale(
	const float * const * src,
	float                 k,
	float * const *       dest,
	size_t                nSamples);

# ifndef BW_CXX_NO_ARRAY
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void bufScale(
	const std::array<const float *, N_CHANNELS> src,
	float                                       k,
	const std::array<float *, N_CHANNELS>       dest,
	size_t                                      nSamples);
# endif
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void bufMix(
	const float * const * src1,
	const float * const * src2,
	float * const *       dest,
	size_t                nSamples);

# ifndef BW_CXX_NO_ARRAY
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void bufMix(
	const std::array<const float *, N_CHANNELS> src1,
	const std::array<const float *, N_CHANNELS> src2,
	const std::array<float *, N_CHANNELS>       dest,
	size_t                                      nSamples);
# endif
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void bufMul(
	const float * const * src1,
	const float * const * src2,
	float * const *       dest,
	size_t                nSamples);

# ifndef BW_CXX_NO_ARRAY
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void bufMul(
	const std::array<const float *, N_CHANNELS> src1,
	const std::array<const float *, N_CHANNELS> src2,
	const std::array<float *, N_CHANNELS>       dest,
	size_t                                      nSamples);
# endif


  • Version 1.2.0:
    • Added bw_buf_copy() and bw_buf_copy_multi().
    • Added support for BW_INCLUDE_WITH_QUOTES, BW_NO_CXX, and BW_CXX_NO_EXTERN_C.
    • Added debugging check in bw_buf_{neg,add,scale,mix,mul}_multi() to ensure that buffers used for both input and output appear at the same channel indices.
  • Version 1.1.0:
    • Now using BW_NULL and BW_CXX_NO_ARRAY.
  • Version 1.0.0:
    • Now using size_t instead of BW_SIZE_T.
    • C++ API now uses size_t to count samples.
    • Changed order of arguments to improve consistency.
    • Added more const and BW_RESTRICT specifiers to input arguments.
    • Moved C++ code to C header.
    • Added overloaded C++ functions taking C-style arrays as arguments.
    • Removed usage of reserved identifiers.
    • Now checking that buffers are never NULL and that output buffers are different in debugging code.
  • Version 0.6.0:
    • Added debugging code.
    • Removed dependency on bw_config.
  • Version 0.5.0:
    • Added bw_buf_*_multi().
    • Added bw_buf_neg().
    • Added C++ wrapper.
  • Version 0.4.0:
    • Added bw_buf_fill() and bw_buf_add().
  • Version 0.3.0:
    • First release.