
Simple data structure that helps keeping track of note on/off events and pressed key status.

It is not concerned with timing.


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Module type: Utility


typedef struct {
	char  pressed;
	float velocity;
} bw_note_queue_status;

Note status:

  • pressed: whether the note is pressed (non-0) or not (0);
  • velocity: velocity in [0.f, 1.f] or otherwise negative to indicate unknown / not available.


typedef struct {
	unsigned char note;
	char          went_off;
} bw_note_queue_event;

Note on/off event:

  • note: note number in [0, 127];
  • went_off: whether a note off event fired on the same note (non-0) or not (0) -- see bw_note_queue.


typedef struct {
	bw_note_queue_event  events[128];
	bw_note_queue_status status[128];
	unsigned char        n_events;
	unsigned char        n_pressed;
} bw_note_queue;

Note on/off event queue and pressed key status:

  • events: events since the reset/clear -- the order is not meaningful and it contains maximum one event per note number, so that the last event added for a given note overwrites the previous if it exists; went_off is set to non-0 in case of a note off event or when overwriting an event whose went_off was already non-0;
  • status: current status of all notes;
  • n_events: number of elements in events;
  • n_pressed: number of currently pressed keys.


static inline void bw_note_queue_reset(
	bw_note_queue * BW_RESTRICT queue);

Clears both the event queue (no events) and the note statuses (all notes off, all velocities 0.f) in queue.


static inline void bw_note_queue_clear(
	bw_note_queue * BW_RESTRICT queue);

Clears the event queue (no events) in queue without affecting the note statuses.


static inline void bw_note_queue_add(
	bw_note_queue * BW_RESTRICT queue,
	unsigned char               note,
	char                        pressed,
	float                       velocity,
	char                        force_went_off);

Adds a new event to queue with the specified note number, pressed value, and velocity.

If force_went_off is set to non-0, went_off is always set to non-0.


static inline void bw_note_queue_all_notes_off(
	bw_note_queue * BW_RESTRICT queue,
	float                       velocity);

Turns all notes off in queue, adding note off events as needed with the given velocity.


static inline char bw_note_queue_is_valid(
	const bw_note_queue * BW_RESTRICT queue);

Tries to determine whether queue is valid and returns non-0 if it seems to be the case and 0 if it is certainly not. False positives are possible, false negatives are not.

queue must at least point to a readable memory block of size greater than or equal to that of bw_note_queue.

C++ wrapper

class NoteQueue {
	void clear();

	void add(
		unsigned char note,
		bool          pressed,
		float         velocity,
		bool          forceWentOff);
	bw_note_queue queue;


  • Version 1.1.0:
    • Added bw_note_queue_all_notes_off().
    • Added support for BW_INCLUDE_WITH_QUOTES, BW_NO_CXX, and BW_CXX_NO_EXTERN_C.
    • Fixed bug in bw_note_queue_is_valid() which erroneously marked queue with 128 pressed notes or 128 events as invalid.
    • Fixed typo in the documentation of bw_note_queue_reset().
  • Version 1.0.1:
    • Now using BW_NULL.
  • Version 1.0.0:
    • Removed redundant status member from bw_note_queue_event.
    • Possibly improved memeory layout of bw_note_queue.
    • Moved C++ code to C header.
    • Removed usage of reserved identifiers and designated initializers.
    • Clarified ambiguity in the documentation of bw_note_queue_status.
  • Version 0.6.0:
    • Added debugging code.
    • Removed dependency on bw_config.
  • Version 0.5.0:
    • First release.